Breaking news:The reason why Jose Mourinho was being sacked at his new club Tottenham surfaced

The Portuguese man whom had been the Tottenham heard couch since November 2019 till this day 2021 was reportedly to be sacked fellowing the club board members meeting that was hold all of a sudden that yeild to this resignation fellowing his bad performance on the domestic league and the entire European tittle race of which he was knocked out in all of them except the curabo cup final which he was yet to play against Manchester city on the coming 6 days before he got sack by the club.
Mean why the special one had now turn to become the club biggest night mare as suspected to be having issues with his players which might tend to be one of the reasons he got sacked unexpectedly and other regular social media war between him and other players, couches of other team that always appear up to be him the captain that pilot all this internet uncondusive. Which was some weeks ago was between him and the Manchester United couch Ole who defeated him on his home ground and he made a savage respond on the man while on an interview concerning the match he lost but he chose to savage this man whom was not even coming after him. Then the next other was him and paul Pogba exchanging words on social media which the club might had seen all this as a bad business attitude as a sign of distraction from the main focus of building peace among the players and team of others because football is not a war zone because if you make mistake and loss today you might get the opportunity to do the correction and win tomorrow because he always fight all the time which paul Pogba of Manchester United was lamenting fellowing his past experience when he was in Manchester United before he got sacked as well in the year 2018 December.

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