The author the great suzzian expressed his gratitude over the reason why there might be continual killing especially in Africa on one major reason.

The public activist stated on his social media platform on how Africa and co entire planet might continue to experience more shoke and death base on the one major factor that is leading to it all deverstation on humanity if not properly addressed as he went ahead to explain below in his writings.
" There is no peace for the wicked for evil men do stay with them so long as they still stick to this dirty business called RELIGION of any kind, there shall always be and will continually killing of the both Religious group because they are the main problem of the world today as the use the name of God/Allah/Yeshua/Christ to justify their stupid deceptive ways they called faith while they go the other way round called polities to betray their own brothers and kingdred as an unstable generation they are.
"SAY NO TO RELIGION"  for your God is not a Christian,islam, hindi, Judaism or any kind of African traditional stupid worship. For the God of the mountains is still the same to the God of the valley and he is not divided but you foolish generation protecting this business of your oppressors the colonialists are already divided in all your ways through this means called RELIGION the stupid believe system of the world today that are leading them all to hell all in the name of God.
Repoter:Time afrikal media
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